What is it?
Avex is a combination of the proven leading active ingredient in EPA registered bird repellents, and a new generation of advanced inert ingredients to reduce the problems of separation, granulation, and breakdown in hard water often found with the older formulations. It is simply the best bird repellent currently available for your crops.
Why Avex?
Methyl Anthranilate, the active ingredient in AVEX has been shown to be an effective bird repellent, and in tests in sunflower fields with heavy bird damage, has been shown to reduce bird damage by over 75%.
Where do you apply it?
Apply AVEX where the birds are actively feeding or where they are roosting. You can even apply it to their water source, provided that there are no fish in it and it doesn’t run into any water with fish. Most growers will spray the entire field the first time, and then either repeat as needed, or just perimeter spray as required.
When should you apply it?
AVEX should be applied when the birds begin to feed. Usually a second treatment and possibly a third will be required, as an application is usually effective for
six to eight days, depending upon weather. The application is most effective if done early in the morning when the temperatures are lower and the wind calm.
How do you apply it?
AVEX is simply sprayed on in the normal manner by your aerial applicator. It’s just as easy if you use helicopter or ground based low volume sprayers. There’s nothing special or complicated about using AVEX. You don’t need any expensive special equipment or special training to use it. You should not, however, tank mix it with other chemicals without first trying a small batch in a jar or other small container to see whether there is a reaction.
Please review our specimen label and our Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use.